Foundations of Present Time Kids™
Present Time Kids™ is a researched-based program based in mindfulness, neuroscience and
social emotional learning (SEL). The program consists of four simple exercises that can be implemented in five minutes every day. Teachers can lead these activities at the beginning of the day, before a test, or at any time that makes sense for the classroom. A 2017 research study on the effectiveness of PTK™showed a significant increase in focus, calmness, and overall mindfulness in participating students.

Our Two Tools
Present Body
A Present Body is a still quiet, body. Students use the image of a strong tree when they mindfully move into Present Body.
Present Listening
Present Listening is listening on purpose from the beginning to the end.
Be Present
1 Idea
Present Body
Present Listening
2 Tools
I am Calm
I am Focused
I am Ready to Learn
3 Thoughts
Cross Connect
Pause Buttons
Belly Breathing
Mindful Minute
4 Exercises
To Transform Lives
5 Minutes
Our Four Exercises

Cross Connect
Pause Buttons

Cross Connect is a contralateral exercise that integrates the left and right brain hemispheres, creating whole brain capacity. Learning is better enabled and the nervous system becomes balanced. The speech and language centers in the brain are strengthened, thus empowering reading and writing tasks in school. Additionally, coordination and balance are improved.

Pause Buttons are neurovascular points that are activated to bring fresh blood to the Pre-Frontal Cortex (PFC) of the brain. The PFC is responsible for our “executive functions” such as decision making, problem solving, and emotional regulation. This exercise encourages the brain to slow down the fight or flight response in the body in the face of daily stressors and instead, conditions the amygdala, our brain’s stress center, to stay calm. It also encourages greater focus.
Belly Breathing
Mindful Minute

Belly Breathing engages the largest nerve in our body, the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is rooted in the abdominal area and travels up through all our visceral (open) organs, ending in the brain. The vagus nerve is part of our parasympathetic nervous system, the part of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) that stimulates the relax and renew response. Students learn that daily belly breathing has a cumulative effect on the body, and over time, students will inherently have better emotional regulation and less anxiety.

Mindful Minute is a time to give thoughts a break by practicing the skill of reacting less to distractions. Mindfulness practice is paying attention, on purpose, to what is happening right now (the present moment). Mindfulness helps increase attention/focus, self-control and empathy. By practicing Mindful Minute, children experience a wealth of physical health benefits too. Over the last several years, practices like Mindful Minute have become a revolution and new scientific studies come out almost weekly proving the emotional, physical, and cognitive benefits.